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February 20, 2009 11:15 PM UTC

"Swastika Guy," they just can't help themselves!

  • by: JeffcoBlue

(Just…wow. So much for spin control – promoted by Colorado Pols)

Based on comments in this post, I think we can assume our friendly anonymous hosts here at Colorado Pols are ready to move on from the “Swastika Guy” story.

If that’s true I strongly recommend they avoid Colorado Media Matters, which is documenting the ongoing self-defense meltdown on the right–won’t somebody please shut these people up, for their own sake?

As a guest during the February 18 broadcast of 630 KHOW-AM’s The Caplis & Silverman Show, conservative author and Fox News contributor Michelle Malkin asserted, “I do not think it’s out of bounds” to analogize President Obama to Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, and suggested she would not “disassociate myself from somebody who believes that this administration has fascistic or socialistic tendencies.”

Malkin and co-hosts Dan Caplis and Craig Silverman had been discussing a controversial photograph taken at a February 17 rally staged to protest President Obama’s signing of economic recovery legislation (H.R. 1) in Denver. The photo featured Malkin posing with a person holding a sign that showed a circled swastika as the “O” in Obama. Although she denied having seen the swastika, she nonetheless asserted, “I would have not said to this person if I had seen the sign, ‘Oh, there’s no way I would have my picture taken with you!’ ”

…Malkin also argued that instead of the attention focused on her attitude toward the man with the swastika sign, “the scrutiny should really be on these groups who are funded for a living to discredit conservatives with whom they disagree,” and claimed that “groups like Media Matters and DailyKos and ThinkProgress and ProgressNow … have people who are paid to go to these rallies and take these kind of pictures” and disseminate them to the media to “silence and discredit” conservatives like her.

Hey, Josh Penry, you remember all that stuff you said about this being “over the line,” “totally inappropriate,” “unacceptable,” etc.?

Yeah, scratch all that.


40 thoughts on ““Swastika Guy,” they just can’t help themselves!

  1. Don’t you think you’re beating the drum a little much Pols? This is the 7th time this photo and topic comes up on the Front Page alone before the page jump.

    I hate that this guy showed up to the rally with his sign. I hate the simplistic politics that the Republicans, led by Caldera and Wadhams, implement. I can’t stand Michelle Malkin or her lame excuses and explanation about this whole debacle.

    But, can we move on? As a centrist, I can tell you this story is stale. Maybe within the echo chamber of the far left it’s still raging but I think the rest of us have moved on.  

    1. speaking from within the echo chamber of the far left, we’ve moved on too, but I think Pols is right to dog this in its permutations. It’s not about the swastika and Malkin’s idiotic embrace anymore, it’s about the Colorado GOP braintrust (I use that term advisedly) making asses of themselves because, deep down, they don’t really get why the swastika offends people. (See CMM’s post yesterday on Peter Boyle’s nonapology over “rhyming” Diana and vagina for another instance of a right wing hero just not getting it.)

      The news this week is full of faux, half- or non-apologies from state Republicans and their ilk. This is politics as practiced from the right these days.

      1.   Let’s say for instance that Malkin or Caldera or whoever came out and said something like “It was obviously poor judgment and very embarrassing to have a guy with a swastika on the stage during the press conference. While we have a philosophical disagreement with the President and his policies, any comparison to the Nazi party is obviously beyond the pale and does not reflect our view or the majority view of our organization”.

         How long would the story stay alive after that? It’s the shitty, twisting-in-the-wind, half-assed, non-apology-apologies that have kept this alive.  

        1. Wasn’t it refreshing when Obama said that? Wow – someone actually ADMITTING they made a mistake. (By allowing Swastika Guy to get anywhere near a stage or a camera.)

          But noooooo… these Republican right wingers can never admit they ever ever ever made a mistake! And they end up looking like absolute idiots.

            1. you can see it totally deflate people who are ready to pile on about why something is my fault. It lets the conversation turn to fixing the problem instead.

              One of my biggest suggestions to people that report to me is to learn to say that whenever they screw up.

    2. and this remains hilarious.

      It’s like how many houses John McCain has, or John Edwards’ $400 haircut, or Bill Clinton’s sexual escapades. Years later one could still make a reference, and people would find it funny.

  2. of all the other Republicans: either condemn it like Penry, or say nothing like the rest of them. Don’t keep bringing it up, and for crying out loud don’t defend it! It’s not PNow’s fault that you got caught. Whining about liberals only makes matter worse for them.

    I swear, if the Right read more of Markos Moulitsas’ books, they wouldn’t have problems like this. Markos only got where he is by studying and reverse engineering Republican tactics anyway.

        1. Dick Wadhams loves being a lightning rod to make his crazy-ass candidates look sane.

          Malkin’s not that bright. I think she just enjoys the controversy. But it’s not beyond the realm of possibility that Wadhams is secretly smiling that someone else got to be the diversion for once.

        2. Seemed like Penry took the opportunity to criticize anyone who called bullshit on him, even if they were right and he was wrong.

          It’s a Penry thing.  You live on the Western Slope, you get used to it.

  3. .

    caving in to popular demand,

    Colorado Pols announced late tomorrow that,

    starting 2 April 2010,

    they will be spinning off a third “daughter” site.

    In the tradition of

    Jeffco Pols and

    Denver Pols,

    they will be bringing the public who watches “American Idol” their own take on American Idolatry: “Swastika Guy” Pols.

    Watch for it at your grocers.


  4. But blog world is taking on hate radio.  REmember the whole saw “Don’t get into a word battle with someone who buys ink by the barrel.”  Blog world should not get into a fight with people who control up 100 hours a week of the public radio waves.  

    This will go on and on and on on the radio…..reaching literally millions of people….

    i have already gotten the email from a friend telling me I have to complain to Clear Channel about boyles and the demeaning of women …

    I don’t give a flying fuck abour boyles…I figure this is the closest he is  ever going to get, again, to that part of the female anatomy..

    However, dumping on kids doesn’t seem to arouse anybody’s ire…except mine.

    I believe the time to take on hate radio is now….but these are not the issues….not the posters and not vagina…it is too easy to ridicule the whole mess.

    The issue has to be substantive.  I think republican legislators getting time on KOA to dicuss Colorado politics w/o equal time for democrats is such an issue.  i think that it is high time that the Independence Instiute pay for the time Caldera is on the radio…I think that is free advertising for the Institute’s agenda….

    1. I don’t give a flying fuck abour boyles…I figure this is the closest he is  ever going to get, again, to that part of the female anatomy..

      Naah, he’ll get a lot closer.

      He’s a douchebag, after all.

    2. The Supreme Court has been pretty clear about where they draw the line, and its not at the point where they give megaphones to those who can’t afford them in order to balance the volume of the voices of those who can. We can’t turn down the volume of those we disagree with, but can only turn up the volume of opposing points of view, and cast a harsh light on irresponsible speech whenever and wherever it occurs.

      1. However, I am not up on recent decisions regarding the public airwaves.  Has the Court ruled that the holder of a license has no obligation to broadcast opposing viewpoints? Or has it held that this a legislative decision and or a regulatory decision. Or has it simply not had occasion to rule?

        I have learned a lot SH, on the economy from your posting.

        Perhaps you can enlighten us further on this issue.

        1. In Red Lion Broadcasting v. FCC (1969), SCOTUS upheld the constitutionality of The Fairness Doctrine, incorporated into FCC regulations, which did obligate licensees of broadcast frequencies to share their airwaves with those of opposing points of view. I know of no ruling since then which has overtured this holding. The Fairness Doctrine was repealed under Reagan, however.

          I was thinking more of campaign-finance reform in my response, which should have said “SCOTUS draws the line at taking away the megaphone of those who can afford it.” While SCOTUS, in McConnell v. FEC (2003) upheld McCain-Feingold (which, in a sense, limits people’s ability to pool resources to buy political air-time) in a 5-4 vote, it has also held, in Randall v. Sorrell (2006) (following the precedent in Buckley v. Valeo) that Vermont’s limits on political contributions were unconstitutionally low.

          Personally, I like McCain-Feingold, and would like to see campaign finance reform taken much further, but think that SCOTUS made a creative ruling not in accord with the Constitution in order to favor what at least five of the justices considered good public policy.

          1. From what you say, it would appear that the issue of the Fairness Doctrine remains open. It was repealed under Reagan, but not by any action of SCOTUS.  So, it is possible to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine or a version of it without immediately running into Constitutional roadblocks.

            I never thought about the Fairness Doctrine in terms of campaign finance reform.  One is about money, and the other is about a public resource.  But you are right, both are about  securing the means necessary to get one’s political message out,

            If, as expected, print media continues to disappear, and the new technologies…Internet, cphone, even cable, become less accessible because of their expense relative to more traditional means of communication,  due to the collapsing economy, then access to public airwaves becomes more important. IMHO

            1. If mass communication were to become more centralized (again), and predominantly in the form of broadcast media, then fair access to those media would become correspondingly important. I can’t assess the likelihood of such a re-centralization occurring, but it’s certainly a possibility. (The internet is likely to remain a bulwark against such re-centralization, but, even so, some people would be getting their information primarily over the public airwaves).

        1. of a “Gone-With-The-Wind” style picture of Ronald Reagan carrying Margaret Thatcher, with mushroom clouds in the background (like Atlanata burning), and the caption: “She promised to follow him to the end of the Earth. He promised to arrange it.”

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